Citation keys
The Better BibTeX Configuration can be found under the regular Zotero preferences pane, tab ‘Better BibTeX’.
The configuration of Better BibTeX is a little baroque compared to the standard Zotero Bib(La)TeX exporters (which only have hidden preferences). The defaults should just work, but here’s an attempt to describe what they do.
Making any change here will drop your entire export cache. This is usually not a problem unless you have a really large library, but you can read about what is involved here.
Active citation key formula
default: auth.lower + shorttitle(3,3) + year
Set the pattern used to generate citation keys. The format of the keys is documented [here]({{ ref . “citing” }}).
Force citation key to plain text
default: yes
If you have deviated from the default citation key format pattern by [specifying your own]({{ ref . “citing” }}), you may
wind up with non-ASCII characters in your citation keys. You can prevent that using the fold
function at the
appropriate place in your pattern, but checking this checkbox will just apply fold
to all your keys.
Enable citation key search
default: yes
Enable searching on citation keys. Slows down startup on very large libraries. Requires Zotero restart to enable/disable.
Automatically pin citation key after
default: 0
When > 0, BBT will automatically pin the first citation keys it generates for an item after this many seconds.
Keeping citation keys unique
Ignore upper/lowercase when comparing for uniqueness
default: yes
Treat “AugusteComte” and “augustecomte” as the same key when testing for uniqueness
Keep keys unique
default: within each library
Auto-generated (non-pinned) keys automatically get a postfix when they would generate a duplicate. By default, the check for duplicates is restricted to the library/group the item lives in. When set to global, the check will include all libraries/groups, so auto-generated keys would be globally unique. Changing this setting does not affect existign keys - for this you would need to select the items and refresh the keys.
- across all libraries
- within each library
On conflict with a pinned key, non-pinned keys will be
default: kept (causes key duplicates)
This determines what happens if you pin a key to a value that is already in use in a different item but not pinned there. Neither are ideal, you just get to pick your poison. If you let BBT change the non-pinned key by adding a postfix character, the citation key changes which could be problematic for existing papers. If you keep the non-pinned key as-is, your library now has duplicate keys.
- postfixed (causes key changes)
- kept (causes key duplicates)
Ideographs in citekeys
Apply kuroshiro romajization in Japanese names/titles. Uses a lot of memory.
default: no
When on, BBT will load kuroshiro for romajization in citation keys. This uses a lot of memory, easily 100MB. If you don’t have Japanese titles/names, keep this off.
Enable ‘jieba’/‘pinyin’ filters in citekey patterns. Uses a lot of memory.
default: no
When on, BBT will make Chinese word segmentation (jieba) and transliteration (pinyin) available for citation keys generation. This uses a lot of memory, easily 70MB, and adds several seconds to the startup time of BBT. If you don’t have Chinese titles/names, keep this off.
Split all Chinese-like single-field names, unless the item’s language is set to Japanese and Japanese support is enabled.
default: yes
Split all Chinese-like single-field names.
Warn me when changing citation keys in bulk
default: 10
For those who are curious about what the Clear/Generate BibTeX key
right-click options do, this will warn
you if you are doing this on more than 10 (default) at the same time, to prevent your curiosity from changing
all your citation keys at once.