Citation Keys
Generating citekeys for your items
The BibTeX citations keys generated by the standard Zotero exporters are always generated at time of export, using an algorithm that usually generates unique keys. For serious LaTeX users, “usually” presents the following problems:
- If a non-unique key is generated, which one gets postfixed with a distinguishing character is essentially non-deterministic.
- The keys are always auto-generated, so if you correct a typo in the author name or title, the key will change
- You can’t see the citation keys until you export them
For a LaTeX author, the citation keys have their own meaning, fully separate from the other entry data, even if people usually pick a naming scheme related to them. As the citation key is the piece of data that connects your bibliography, this is a piece of data you want to have control over. BBT offers you this control:
- Stable citation keys, without key clashes. BBT generates citation keys that take into account other existing keys in your library in a deterministic way, regardless of what part of your library you export, or the order in which you do it.
- BBT is conservative about citation key changes, and allows you to fix keys to any value of your choosing.
- Generate citation keys from JabRef(-ish) patterns.
You can also
- Drag and drop LaTeX citations using these keys to your favorite LaTeX editor
- Show your citation keys in the item list view.
Set your own, fixed citation keys
By default, BBT generates the citation key from the item information, and this key may change when you edit the item. Such keys are called dynamic
keys. In contrast, fixed
keys are marked with a pushpin in the item list view and in the item details to distinguish them from dynamic keys.
You can fix the citation key (called pinning
in BBT) for an item by adding the text Citation Key: <your citekey>
anywhere in the
field of the item on a line of its own. You can generate a pinned citation key by selecting one or more items, right-clicking, and selecting Generate BibTeX key
, which will add the current citation key to the extra
field, thereby pinning it.
Drag and drop/hotkey citations
You can drag and drop citations into your LaTeX/Markdown/Orgmode editor, and it will add a proper \cite{citekey}
. The cite
command is
configurable for LaTeX by setting the config option in the preferences. Do not include the leading backslash.
This feature requires a one-time setup: choose the Quick Copy format under the Citation keys
preferences for BBT, and go to Zotero preferences, tab Export, under Default Output Format, select “Better BibTeX Quick Copy: [format you just selected]”.
Find duplicate keys through integration with Report Customizer
The plugin will generate BibTeX comments to show whether a key conflicts and with which entry. BBT integrates with Zotero: Report Customizer to display the BibTeX key plus any conflicts between them in the zotero report.
Configurable citekey generator
BBT also implements a citekey generator for those entries that don’t have a citekey set explicitly; the formatter pattern language used to follow the JabRef key formatting syntax, but now uses a javascript-ish format. You can set your generator pattern in the Better BibTeX preferences (you can get there via the Zotero preferences, or by clicking the Better BibTeX “Preferences” button in the addons pane.
Better BibTeX knows four kinds of “things” to build the citekey from:
- “functions”, these produce text based on the item the key is being constructed from, eg
. Even though these are largely case insensitive, they must start with a lowercase letter. - “field access”, direct text from the zotero item fields; these again are largely case insensitive, but they must start with an uppercase letter
- “filters”, these are actions that act on the text returned from either functions, field access, or from a subformula like
(auth + title || year)
. these are fully case insensitive, and you can chain these together, each acting on the output of the previous filter. - bare strings (text quoted in single or double quotes)
There are 5 ways you can build subformulae:
- composition:
(auth + title)
- alternates:
(auth || title)
(use the first thing that returns any text, soauth
if that returns text, otherwisetitle
). Note the test-filters like.len
*will skip to the next formula if it fails; see also sequence below - ternaries:
(auth ? year : title)
returns any text, useyear
, otherwise usetitle
). Ternary operators have the formatcondition ? output_if_true : output_if_false
, and you can use it like an if-or statement. - sequences:
(auth, shorttitle.len, '', title, 'hi')
. The first element of the sequence that returns a non-empty output is used. Tests like.len
that would usually skip to the next formula don’t do so in a sequence, they just return empty output if they fail, except the last element in the sequence. If that is a test, and it fails, the current formula is skipped and the next started. You would usually want a non-test here, or a fixed value. (auth + title) > 0
orauth > 0
are shorthand for(auth + title).len
these can be combined, eg (auth || shorttitle || year) ? (auth + title) : (year || title)
, but subformulae cannot appear in parameters, so ? 3 : 4)
is not valid. Filters (explained below) can be applied to subformulae, so (title || auth).lower
checks whether the title
function produces output (i.e. not empty). If it does, the title
function is used; otherwise, the formula will use the auth
function. It then converts the output of (title || auth)
to lowercase.
You can also explicitly test whether a formula part is not empty and jump to the next formula if not:
title.lower.len + year; auth + year
which would have the formula evaluate whether the title
function returns a non-empty text; if this condition is not met, formula evaluaton jumps to the next formula auth + year
. You can also test for a minimal length using eg
(title > 1) + year; auth + year
which is shorthand for
title.len('>',1) + year; auth + year
which checks whether the title
output is longer than 1 character. Note the parentheses around the >
expression – the formula uses javascript operator precedence, and title > 1 + year
means title > (1 + year)
The default key pattern is auth.lower + shorttitle(3,3) + year
; if you have papers that use keys which were generated by the key generator of the standard Bib(La)TeX exporters of Zotero you may want to use zotero.clean
instead in order to ease migration from existing exports for people who previously used the standard Zotero Bib(La)TeX exports.
auth.lower + shorttitle(3,3) + year
, means
- last name of first author without spaces, in lowercase because of the
filter - The first
(default: 3) words of the title, apply capitalization to firstm
(default: 0) of those. - year of publication if any,
- a letter postfix (a, b, c, etc) in case of a clash (this part is always added, you can’t disable it, although you can change it to Zotero-style numeric)
Changing a pattern will only affect items created/changed after you changed the pattern; existing keys are not automatically regenerated when you change the pattern. If you want your keys to update after a pattern change you will have to select your items, right-click, and select Refresh
. This will not affect keys you have pinned.
If you want to get fancy, you can set multiple patterns separated by a semicolon (;
) or vertical bar (|
), of which the first will be applied
that yields a non-empty string. If all return a empty string, a random key will be generated.
An example application for this behavior is to use the tex.shortauthor
from the extra field when defined to generate short citation keys for entries with long group author names, but to default to auth.lower
extra('tex.shortauthor').transliterate.clean.lower.len + year; auth.lower + year
You can add a verbatim text by just including it in single or double quotes:
extra('tex.shortauthor').transliterate.clean.lower.len + year; 'default' + auth.lower + year
Formulas have some ternary and or-style choice support; you can use them in formulas instead of a function, but not in parameters; you can for example use
(title ? title : auth).lower + year
(title || auth).lower + year
instead of
title.len + year; auth + year
and you can test for length of subsections; what you would previously do with
auth + title + len + year
to jump to the next formula if auth
and title
were both empty is now
(auth + title).len + year
Generating citekeys
To generate your citekeys, you use a formula composed of functions and filters. Broadly, functions grab text from your item, and filters transform that text. Note that the formula syntax has changed from a bracketed format to a javascript-ish format. The old syntax was getting harder to maintain and its inflexibility prevented new extensions to the functions being implemented cleanly. The old syntax still works but will be translated to the new format automatically.
Below you will find a full list of functions and filters you can use, in the new format only, sorry. You can still use these in the old syntax, but they support only positional parameters, where I would recommend generally to use the new syntax with named parameters.
Note: a number of functions below talk about the author’s lastname; you can read that as “when available”. If you have the name as a single-field name (for entities like International Business Machines
or Aristoteles
), Zotero doesn’t have a last name, and the full single-field name is taken instead.
- auth(n: number = 0, m: number = 1, creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false)
The first
(default: all) characters of them
th (default: first) author's last name.- authAuthEa(creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false, sep: string = '.')
The last name of the first two authors, and ".ea" if there are more than two.
- authEtAl(creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false, sep: string = ' ')
The last name of the first author, and the last name of the second author if there are two authors or "EtAl" if there are more than two. This is similar to
. The difference is that the authors are not separated by "." and in case of more than 2 authors "EtAl" instead of ".etal" is appended.- authEtal2(creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false, sep: string = '.')
The last name of the first author, and the last name of the second author if there are two authors or ".etal" if there are more than two.
- authForeIni(creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*')
The given-name initial of the first author.
- authIni(n: number = 0, creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false, sep: string = '.')
The beginning of each author's last name, using no more than
characters (0 = all).- authorIni(creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false, sep: string = '.')
The first 5 characters of the first author's last name, and the last name initials of the remaining authors.
- authorLast(creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false)
The last name of the last author
- authorLastForeIni(creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*')
The given-name initial of the last author.
- authorsAlpha(creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false, sep: string = ' ')
Corresponds to the BibTeX style "alpha". One author: First three letters of the last name. Two to four authors: First letters of last names concatenated. More than four authors: First letters of last names of first three authors concatenated. "+" at the end.
- authorsn(n: number = 0, creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false, sep: string = ' ')
The last names of the first
(default: all) authors.- authshort(creator: ('author' | 'editor' | 'translator' | 'collaborator' | '*') = '*', initials: boolean = false, sep: string = '.')
The last name if one author/editor is given; the first character of up to three authors' last names if more than one author is given. A plus character is added, if there are more than three authors.
- creatornames(template?: `sprintf-style format template`, transliterate?: boolean)
Sets the sprintf-template default for representing creator names. Default is '%(f)s'.
in the creator template, you can use:
: family ("last") name%(f_zh)s
: family ("last") name extracted from chinese compound names. Needjieba
to be enabled%(g)s
: given ("first") name%(g_zh)s
: given ("first") name extracted from chinese compound names. Needjieba
to be enabled%(i)s
: given-name initials%(I)s
: given-name initials, upper-case
- creators(n: (number | [ number, number ]) = 0, type: ('*' | Creator | Creator[] | (Creator | '*')[][]) = [['primary', 'editor', 'translator', '*']], name: ('' | `sprintf-style format template`) = '', etal: string = '', sep: string = ' ', min: number = 0, max: number = 0)
Author/editor information.
creator type can be one of
in the creator template, you can use:
: family ("last") name%(f_zh)s
: family ("last") name extracted from chinese compound names. Needjieba
to be enabled%(g)s
: given ("first") name%(g_zh)s
: given ("first") name extracted from chinese compound names. Needjieba
to be enabled%(i)s
: given-name initials%(I)s
: given-name initials, upper-case
- creatortypes(match?: RegExp)
This will return a comma-separated list of creator type information for all creators on the item in the form
<1 or 2><creator-type>
, where1
denotes a 1-part or 2-part creator, andcreator-type
is one of {{% citekey-formatters/creatortypes %}}, orprimary
for the primary creator-type of the Zotero item under consideration. The list is prefixed by the item type, so might look likeaudioRecording:2performer,2performer,1composer
.- date(format: string = '%Y-%m-%d')
The date of the publication
- extra(variable: string)
A pseudo-field from the extra field. eg if you have
Original date: 1970
in yourextra
field, you can get it asextra(originalDate)
, ortex.shortauthor: APA
which you could get withextra('tex.shortauthor')
. Anytex.
field will be picked up, the other fields can be selected from this list of key names.- firstpage
The number of the first page of the publication (Caution: this will return the lowest number found in the pages field, since BibTeX allows
.)- group(name: string)
Tests whether the item is in the given group library
- infix(format: `sprintf-style format template` = '%(a)s', start: (string | number) = 0)
a pseudo-function that sets the citekey disambiguation infix using an sprintf-js format spec for when a key is generated that already exists. The infix charachter appears at the place of this function of the formula instead of at the and (as postfix does). You must include exactly one of the placeholders
(alpha, lowercase) or%(A)s
(alpha, uppercase). For the rest of the disambiguator you can use things like padding and extra text as sprintf-js allows. With start set to1
the disambiguator is always included, even if there is no need for it when no duplicates exist. The default format is%(a)s
.in the template, you can use:
: lower-case alphabetic disambiguator%(A)s
: upper-case alphabetic disambiguator%(n)s
: numeric disambiguator
- inspireHep
Fetches the key from inspire-hep based on DOI or arXiv ID
- item(id: ('key' | 'id') = 'key')
returns the internal item ID/key
- journal(abbrev: ('off' | 'abbrev' | 'auto' | 'abbrev+auto' | 'full') = 'abbrev+auto')
returns the journal abbreviation, or, if not found, the journal title, If 'automatic journal abbreviation' is enabled in the BBT settings, it will use the same abbreviation filter Zotero uses in the wordprocessor integration. You might want to use the
filter on this. Abbreviation behavior can be specified asabbrev+auto
(the default) which uses the explicit journal abbreviation if present, and tries the automatic abbreviator if not (if auto-abbrev is enabled in the preferences),auto
(skip explicit journal abbreviation even if present),abbrev
(no auto-abbrev even if it is enabled in the preferences) orfull
(no abbrevation).- keyword(n: number)
Tag number
. Mostly for legacy compatibility- language( string[])
Tests whether the item has the given language set, and skips to the next pattern if not
language can be one of
,american english
,australian english
,austrian german
,british english
,canadian english
,schweizer hochdeutsch
,simplified chinese
,swiss high german
,traditional chinese
,österreichisches deutsch
- lastpage
The number of the last page of the publication (See the remark on
)- library
Tests whether the item is in the user library
- month
the month of the publication
- origdate
the original date of the publication
- origyear
the original year of the publication
- postfix(format: `sprintf-style format template` = '%(a)s', start: (string | number) = 0)
a pseudo-function that sets the citekey disambiguation postfix using an sprintf-js format spec for when a key is generated that already exists. Does not add any text to the citekey otherwise. You must include exactly one of the placeholders
(alpha, lowercase) or%(A)s
(alpha, uppercase). For the rest of the disambiguator you can use things like padding and extra text as sprintf-js allows. With start set to1
the disambiguator is always included, even if there is no need for it when no duplicates exist. The default format is%(a)s
.in the template, you can use:
: lower-case alphabetic disambiguator%(A)s
: upper-case alphabetic disambiguator%(n)s
: numeric disambiguator
- shorttitle(n: number = 3, m: number = 0)
The first
(default: 3) words of the title, apply capitalization to firstm
(default: 0) of those.- shortyear
The last 2 digits of the publication year
- title
Capitalize all the significant words of the title, and concatenate them. For example,
An awesome paper on JabRef
will becomeAnAwesomePaperJabref
- transliterate(mode: (('minimal' | 'german' | 'japanese' | 'chinese' | 'arabic' | 'ukranian' | 'mongolian' | 'russian') | 'de' | 'ja' | 'chinese-traditional' | 'zh-hant' | 'zh' | 'tw' | 'ar' | 'uk' | 'mn' | 'ru'))
Set the default transliteration mode. If you don't specify a mode, the mode for an entry is derived from the item language field
- type(...allowed: string[])
Without arguments, returns the item type. When arguments as passed, tests whether the item is of any of the given types, and skips to the next pattern if not, eg
type(book) + veryshorttitle | auth + year
.creator type can be one of
- veryshorttitle(n: number = 1, m: number = 0)
The first
words of the title, apply capitalization to firstm
of those- year
The year of the publication
- zotero
Generates citation keys as the stock Zotero Bib(La)TeX export does. Note that this pattern inherits all the problems of the original Zotero citekey generation -- you should really only use this if you have existing papers that rely on this behavior.
Note: All auth...
functions will fall back to editors if no authors are present on the item.
Note: The functions above used to have the clean
function automatically applied to them, this is no longer the case, so if you have CJK authors/titles and you want to manipulate them (using eg. capitalize
), you could have to use transliterate
on them first, eg. authEtal2.transliterate.capitalize + year + shorttitle(3, 3)
Direct access to unprocessed fields
The above functions all retrieve information stored in the item’s fields and process it in some way. If you don’t want this, you can instead call field contents without any processing. To access Zotero fields, refer to them as given in the table below:
AbstractNote | AccessDate | AdminFlagJM | AdoptionDateJM |
AlbumJM | ApplicationNumber | Archive | ArchiveCollectionJM |
ArchiveIDZ | ArchiveLocation | ArtworkMedium | ArtworkSize |
AssemblyNumberJM | Assignee | AudioFileType | AudioRecordingFormat |
AuthorityZ | BillNumber | BlogTitle | BookAbbreviationJM |
BookTitle | CallNumber | CaseName | Code |
CodeNumber | CodePages | CodeVolume | Committee |
Company | ConferenceDateJM | ConferenceName | Country |
Court | DOI | Date | DateAmendedJM |
DateDecided | DateEnacted | DictionaryTitle | Distributor |
DivisionJM | DocketNumber | DocumentNameJM | DocumentNumber |
Edition | EncyclopediaTitle | EpisodeNumber | FilingDate |
FirstPage | FormatZ | ForumTitle | GazetteFlagJM |
Genre | History | ISBN | ISSN |
IdentifierZ | Institution | InterviewMedium | Issue |
IssueDate | IssuingAuthority | JournalAbbreviation | JurisdictionJM |
Label | Language | LegalStatus | LegislativeBody |
LetterType | LibraryCatalog | ManuscriptType | MapType |
Medium | MeetingName | MeetingNumberJM | NameOfAct |
Network | NewsCaseDateJM | NumPages | Number |
NumberOfVolumes | OpeningDateJM | OpusJM | OrganizationZ |
OriginalDateJM | Pages | ParentTreatyJM | PatentNumber |
Place | PostType | PresentationType | PriorityDateJM |
PriorityNumbers | ProceedingsTitle | ProgramTitle | ProgrammingLanguage |
PublicLawNumber | PublicationDateJM | PublicationNumberJM | PublicationTitle |
Publisher | References | RegnalYearJM | RegulationTypeJM |
RegulatoryBodyJM | ReignJM | ReleaseJM | ReportNumber |
ReportType | Reporter | ReporterVolume | RepositoryZ |
RepositoryLocationZ | ResolutionLabelJM | Rights | RunningTime |
Scale | Section | Series | SeriesNumber |
SeriesText | SeriesTitle | Session | SessionTypeJM |
ShortTitle | SigningDateJM | Status | Studio |
Subject | SupplementNameJM | System | ThesisType |
Title | TreatyNumberJM | Type | University |
Url | VersionNumber | VideoRecordingFormat | Volume |
VolumeTitleJM | WebsiteTitle | WebsiteType | YearAsVolumeJM |
(fields marked Z are only available in Zotero, fields marked with JM are only available in Juris-M).
- abbr(chars: number = 1)
Abbreviates the text. Only the first character and subsequent characters following white space will be included.
- acronym(list: string = 'acronyms', reload: boolean = false, passthrough: boolean = false)
Does an acronym lookup for the text.
- alphanum
clears out everything but unicode alphanumeric characters (unicode character classes
)- ascii
removes all non-ascii characters
- capitalize
uppercases the first letter of each word
- clean
transliterates the citation key and removes unsafe characters
- condense(sep: string = '')
replaces spaces in the value passed in. You can specify what to replace it with by adding it as a parameter, e.g
will replace spaces with underscores. Equivalent to.replace(/\s+/g, sep)
.- default(text: string)
Returns the given text if no output was generated
- discard
discards the input
- find(match: (string | RegExp), passthrough: boolean = false)
Finds a text in the string and returns it.
- formatDate(format: string = '%Y-%m-%d')
formats date as by replacing y, m and d in the format
- ideographs
Treat ideaographs as individual words
- jieba(mode?: string)
word segmentation for Chinese items. Uses substantial memory, and adds about 7 seconds to BBTs startup time; must be enabled under Preferences -> Better BibTeX -> Advanced -> Citekeys
- kuromoji
word segmentation for Japanese items. Uses substantial memory; must be enabled under Preferences -> Better BibTeX -> Advanced -> Citekeys
- len(relation: ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '==' | '!=' | '>=') = '>', length: number = 0)
If the length of the output does not match the given number, skip to the next pattern.
- localTime
transforms date/time to local time. Mainly useful for dateAdded and dateModified as it requires an ISO-formatted input.
- lower
Forces the text inserted by the field marker to be in lowercase. For example,
expands to the last name of the first author in lowercase.- match(match: (string | RegExp), clean: boolean = false)
If the output does not match the given string/regex, skip to the next pattern.
- nopunct(dash: string = '-')
Removes punctuation
- nopunctordash
Removes punctuation and word-connecting dashes. alias for
- numeric
returns the value if it's an integer
- pinyin
transliterates the citation key to pinyin
- postfix(postfix: string)
postfixes with its parameter, so
will add an underscore to the end if, and only if, the value it is supposed to postfix isn't empty- prefix(prefix: string)
prefixes with its parameter, so
will add an underscore to the front if, and only if, the value it is supposed to prefix isn't empty.- replace(find: (string | RegExp), replace: string)
replaces text, for the text to match you can pass either:
- a string:
which will match case-insensitive, so will replace.EtAl
. - javascript regular expression:
.replace(/[.]etal/ig, '&etal')
- a string:
- select(start: number = 1, n?: number)
selects words from the value passed in. The format is
(1-based), soselect(1,4)
would select the first four words. Ifn
is not given, all words fromstart
to the end are selected.- skipwords(nopunct: boolean = false)
filters out common words like 'of', 'the', … the list of words can be seen and changed by going into
under the keyextensions.zotero.translators.better-bibtex.skipWords
as a comma-separated, case-insensitive list of words.If you want to strip words like 'Jr.' from names, you could use something like
after addingjr
to the skipWords list. Note that this filter is always applied withnopunct
on if you usetitle
(which is different fromTitle
) orshorttitle
.- substring(start: number = 1, n?: number)
(default: all) characters starting atstart
- transliterate(mode?: (('minimal' | 'german' | 'japanese' | 'chinese' | 'arabic' | 'ukranian' | 'mongolian' | 'russian') | 'de' | 'ja' | 'chinese-traditional' | 'zh-hant' | 'zh' | 'tw' | 'ar' | 'uk' | 'mn' | 'ru'))
transliterates the citation key. If you don't specify a mode, the mode is derived from the item language field
- upper
Forces the text inserted by the field marker to be in uppercase. For example,
expands the last name of the first author in uppercase.
Usage note: the functions condense
, skipwords
, capitalize
and select
rely on whitespaces for word handling. Most functions strip
whitespace and thereby make these filter functions sort of useless. You will in general want to use the fields from the
table above, which give you the values from Zotero without any changes. The fields with **
are only available in Juris-M.